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The VVDI MB BGA Key Programmer from XHorse is the latest key programmer for Mercedes Benz. It will allow you to program new keys to your customer's Mercedes without the need for desoldering/resoldering. Features frequent online updates, supports Mercedes Benz keys, reading password and preparing a new key via IR. Mainly used for key reading and writing, EIS tools, password calculation, key file preparing, ESL tools, ECU/Gearbox renewal, and many more special functions.

Includes the original Xhorse VVDI MB BGA Tool Mercedes Benz Key Programmer BGA Calculator. Features frequent online updates, reading Mercedes passwords, preparing a new key/remote via IR, and more necessary functions for Benz key programming.


Supports BE key, read password and prepare new key via IR
NEC V051,V057 supports password retrieval on-board (no EEPROM needed)
On-board writing and erasing to all NEC keys (no EEPROM needed)
Fast password calculations for BGA and NEC keys (include 51,57 version)
Writes & renews EIS (EZS) and ELV (ESL)
Generates key file (must have Internet access)
Unlocks ELV (ESL)
COMING SOON: Renews other control module


The VVDI2 Commander Key Programmer FULL PACKAGE from XHorse is the latest key programmer for modern European vehicles. It will allow you to program new keys to your customer's VW, Audi, Porsche, BMW, and others without the need for desoldering/resoldering.



Frequently Asked Questions:

1. ?
2. What is J2534 and why do I care?
J2534 is a standard protocol that most modern car manufacturers follow, essentially giving you the ability to buy one device and use it as a "dealer tool" for many makes. In the past, you would have had to buy one expensive machine for each and every make. The VVDI2 is a J2534-compliant pass-thru device that, in theory, can be used to program keys for all kinds of vehicles using manufacturer software. Specifically, the VVDI2 has been tested as working with VW's ODIS service software. More will be coming soon.
3. When programming BMW, how do I tell which system I am on?
CAS1, CAS2, and CAS3 can be programmed via the OBD2 port while CAS4 programming involves EEPROM. Connect the VVDI2 to your vehicle's OBD2 port and attempt to Auto-Detect. If it does not auto-detect CAS1, CAS2, or CAS3, then chances are your vehicle is CAS4. Remove the CAS module and the label will clearly state the system on the label.
4. Why do I have to resynchronize every month?
To stop their tools from being knocked off, XHorse requires that you connect your device to the Internet every 30 days. Simply connect your device to your PC, start the software, and the counter will be reset again for another 30 days.
5. Where can I get support?
You can call us for support, but we recommend contacting Samic at XHorse directly via Skype (username: condor_keymachine). He is the most knowledgeable and speaks very good English. He is located in China and typically becomes available to chat with around 5pm PST. Remember that our Friday night is their Saturday morning, and our Sunday night is their Monday morning.
6. What other accessories do I need?
G: n
V: o
7. Where can I get the latest software?
The software is the computer program you install on your computer to use the tool. As of June 2016, 4.2.1 is the latest version and can be downloaded here
8. Where can I get the latest firmware?
Firmware is the software that lives on the VVDI MB tool/hardware. To update your firmware:
Install the software above to your computer
Connect your VVDI2 to your PC using the included USB cable
Choose VVDI2 firmware version from Firmware List
Click on Update Online and wait for up to 3 minutes
If you receive an error message about communication with the server, please pause your anti-virus and firewall software and try again.
Please do not turn off your PC or unplug the USB cable during the update!
If you have more questions or have more useful info that we can add here, please contact Cary!


Once you buy VVDI-Prog programmer, you can get free BMW ISN read function and NEC, MPC, Infineon etc chip continously update service.


The built-in update software allows user to update VVDI Prog firmware timely.
High-speed USB communication interface enable the software automatically connect.
Smart operation mode: the possible causes of error will be listed
Reserve ports: for future update.
The self-test function enable you check if the machine works well.
Can supply power via USB cable, the software will automatically prompt if the external USB power supply is needed.
Frequently Asked Questions:

1.Where can I get the latest software? As of June 2017, version 4.5.9 is the latest and can be downloaded here
If you have more questions or have more useful info that we can add here, please contact Cary!

VVDI-Prog Device Interface Multiplexer
Square USB cable
SOP16 test socket
16pin converter – Support SOP/SOT/SSOP
MCU reflash cable
ECU reflash cable
MC9S12 reflash cable – Used to program MC9S12 series chip
12V3A power adapter – High quality power supply

Ready including Shipping 275$
Xhorse VVDI Key Tool supports most common remote types in the market; it is reliable and easy to use. VVDI key tool can perform these functions:
edit transponder, clone transponder, test frequency, clone Remote, generate remote, generate garage door remote controller, unlock smart card etc. 
In a word, Xhorse VVDI Key Tool remote generator is a device with multi-functions.
Software Version: V1.2.8
Hardware/Firmware Version: 1.1
XHORSE VVDI Key Tool Function:
Transponder Generation:
Write most common transponder available in the market including 36, 46, 47, 60, 70
Support copy:
Key Tool can copy 46,4D(40-bit),4C
Wireless remote can copy 11,12,13,33,46 chips
T5 chip can copy 11,12,13
Frequency & power tester:
Frequency test of 27-900 MHZ
Power test 300-450 MHZ

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